About this blog...

My daughter has Prader-Willi Syndrome, a genetic disorder that will eventually leave her feeling perpetually hungry but with the cruel irony of also having a low metabolism, among other issues.  She will need about half the calories as an adult that you or I would. 

I used to work as a professional Chef and have a fairly good knowledge of food, cuisines, flavor profiles and some basic health and nutrition information.  However, it's a whole new world with Olivia's food.  Not only will she be hungry, but her body lacks/needs a lot of other essentials that certain types of food or supplements might help with.   No one is completely sure yet how it works, and this blog is not meant to be taken as medical or nutritional advice.  Use the information at your own risk and be discerning about your own child's needs - they are all different.

I am giving myself a crash course in nutritionally dense and calorically light foods.  After searching and bookmarking and then trying to remember again where I found what piece of information, I decided there had to be a better way.  This blog is mainly my own attempt to keep better track of the information I need, the food I create and the recipes/supplements I try for her syndrome. 

I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts - I hope this eventually becomes a useful resource for not just myself but other parents struggling with the same issues.  Please keep in mind I am not a medical or nutritional authority and I am still learning as I go.


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